Well, this one is a hard one,
isn’t it? We need to be affectionate
with others and give preference to others as well! Being affectionate doesn’t just mean being a
huggy person, although I am one to never turn down a hug! However, it’s being free with the expression
of your love of others – it’s a tender love as the love of a parent to a child,
not forced. It’s common courtesy, a
loving smile, a touch on the shoulder.
What is sweeter on this side of heaven than to love and to be
In order to understand the
kind of love Jesus had for us and the kind of love we should have for other
people, we need to look closely at John 21:14-17. Jesus asked Peter 3 times if he loved Him. The first two times Jesus was actually asking
Peter if he “agape” loved him. By using
the word “agape”, Jesus was literally asking Peter if he would sacrifice or die
for him. The first two times, however,
Peter answers that he “phileo” loved Christ.
Using this word “phileo” Peter was telling Jesus that he loved him like
a brother. Whether Peter does not
understand what Christ is asking of him when Christ uses the word for agape
love, or whether Peter is not willing to go so far as to say he will die for
Christ, we do not know. We do know that
the third time, Jesus asks Peter if he loves him like a brother using the word
phileo and Peter affirms that he does.
Agape love is love that
requires willful sacrifice. In the New
Testament, agape love is more in motion than emotion. It says “I will do what is best for you, even
if it costs me something.” It means
sharing your home, your time, your talents, and your money with others even
though it may mean more work for you.
There is a popular song that has this line
And they'll know we are Christians by our love, by our love
they will know we are Christians by our love
This song is a challenge to Christians to really live
with love towards each other and to share our love with others.
Can the world really see Christ living in us as we walk past
our sisters and don’t speak to them? Or
hold grudges for years over petty differences?
I'll toss in a comment or two about modesty. If we truly have agape love towards our brethren, we will be more aware of our clothing choices, and our behaviors. I want to write more on this in the future ... but this is just a nugget to think about.
We could talk quite a bit
here about being hospitable as well. I
wrote an article a few years ago about hospitality, the lack of it in the
church, the need for it in the church and some simple ways to be hospitable. This is an area in which I love, and so much
desire for us to invest more time in.
Ladies, we need to be hospitable, we need to train our children in
hospitality and those of us who are older, need to train those who are
younger. (~more on this in the future~)
Love is patient, love is kind
Never boasts, not full of pride
Always hopes, always trusts
the evidence of Christ in us
Never boasts, not full of pride
Always hopes, always trusts
the evidence of Christ in us
Be affectionate and loving.
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